[InSCREENeX] CHO Freezing Medium A

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[InSCREENeX] CHO Freezing Medium A

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InSCREENeX의 freezing medium 제품을 소개드립니다.

[InSCREENeX] CHO Freezing Medium A

CHO Freezing Medium A

CHO Freezing Medium A는 InSCREENeX의 안정적인 재조합 CHO 세포(A형)의 동결 보존에 최적화되어 있습니다. CHO Freezing Medium A는 사전 혼합되어 바로 사용할 수 있는 상태로 제공됩니다.

Product Details:

Catalog Number:
  • INS-SU-1023

Features and Applications:
  • Cryopreservation Medium
  • Ready-to-use
  • 30ml

  • Ready-to-use
  • Optimized for high viability
  • Contains serum


  • 30ml Freezing Medium ready-to-use
Cell Lines:
  • CHO cells (Type-A)

  • 70% (v/v) CHO Growth Medium A (INS-ME-1039) without Geneticin G418 Sulfat
  • 20% (v/v) FBS/FCS
  • 10% (v/v) DMSO

  • Store the products as follows if not indicated otherwise on the product label. Freezing Medium -18 to -20°C, avoid repeated freeze-thaw cycles. Aliquot if necessary. Please see the product label for the expiry date of your product.


  • Aspirate medium.
  • Wash with PBS and aspirate PBS.
  • Add Trypsin/EDTA (TE) solution to the cells and incubate at room temperature or 37°C for 5-10min, or until the cells detach.
  • Examine the cells under a microscope. When the cells start to detach, gently tap the side of the vessel to loosen the remaining cells.
  • Resuspend cells in 2% FBS in PBS and transfer to a 15ml conical bottom tube.
  • Centrifuge cells at 200*g for 4min.
  • Aspirate supernatant and gently resuspend cell pellet in Freezing medium (approx. 1Mio. cells/ml).
  • Transfer cell suspension into cryovial(s) and place them into a freezing container (“Mr.Frosty” or similar).
  • Place the freezing container at-80°C for 16-24h.
  • Transfer cryovials to liquid nitrogen vapor for long-term-storage.

어스바이오(USBIO)는 InSCREENeX 한국 공식 대리점입니다.
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Tel : 02-862-2816 / email : bio@usbio.co.kr
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